
Friday, November 14, 2003

Social Software coming out of my ears... 

In my opinion, MySpace is just a free-for-all: the social software equivalent of the teen party out-of-control while Mom and Dad are away for the weekend. I'm just not finding it that interesting at the moment, especially compared with the great discussions on tribe.net and the massive silliness of collecting friendsters on friendster.com. I've also tried out a few other sites: inwyk.com and linkedin.com, both more business-oriented networking sites, and yafro.com, a friendster-wannabee whose main claim to fame is that it was created by the two guys behind the phenomenally success hotornot Web site ("Am I Hot or Not?"). I am reminded of the Klondike Gold rush.... certtainly not all of these companies will be around a year from now.

Thursday, October 16, 2003

Well, I thought it was time to start this new blog, since I have one for Friendster and one for Tribe.net. I've only been on MySpace for a couple of days, but it's already clear that a lot of disgruntled Friendsters are making tracks for the service, either making a second profile "just in case" or picking up and moving wholesale.

I've decided to create a space based on the successful Friendsters Anonymous model set up as a fakester profile on Friendster (but sadly whacked by Jonathan Abrams and Company). So, last night I created the new group, MySpace Addicts Anonymous :-) and I've already have 7 people sign up in less than 12 hours. I think I've hit on something here LOL...

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